Hachnosas Sefer Torah Digest
An Overview Of The Laws of Hachnosas Sefer Torah
Halachic Digest
Hachnosas Sefer Torah
Compiled by Rabbis Yoseph Vigler & Rabbi Menachem Mendel Kahn
"Set the time for a meritorious day" it is proper to set the celebration for a day of segulah close to when the time to complete the scroll has come.
Several days before the completion of the Sefer Torah and the bringing of it to the shul, announcements are made in all the shuls of the city that: on such and such a day, there will be IYH, a Hachnosas Sefer Torah; and all are invited to come to give honor to the Torah when it is being carried to the shul.
Do not use "Ksav Ashuri'' for the invitations printed. Also it is questionable if letters with "Tagim" should be used at all.
The "Atzei Hachayim" of the Sefer Torah should be made specifically of wood (and not metal).
The mantle etc. for the Sefer Torah should also be prepared. Also appropriately prepare as the custom is for generations the "Yad" from silver etc., and also a "Kesser".
The Luchos, if used as a design on the mantle etc. should be depicted square as per the Gemara in Bava Basra
There are those who place effort that when the mantle and sash for the Sefer Torah are sown, they take extra material (of silk) than what is necessary, and before sowing, small pieces are cut from the extra material (for the children, at the time of the Sefer Torah's welcoming).
The day of the completion is a Yom Tov on which tachnun is not said.
Chassidim and אנשי מעשה go to Mikvah on this day before davening, to participate in the event.
During davening, candles are lit in shul.
Dress in Yom Tov clothes.
It is customary among all Jews to sell the "letters" (for the benefit of the shul or general tsedaka). Still appropriately check local custom, especially among יראי השם.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe never wrote a letter on his own, he said he was too much "in awe". He would purchase a letter.
After finishing the order of the completion with the sewing of the parchment, lift the Sefer Torah for Hagbah.
Afterwards wrap the Sefer Torah, tying its sash and mantle, adorn it with the "Yad" and "Keser".
After the writing we wish Mazal Tov.
At the time of completing the Sefer Torah and bringing it to the shul, every action of honor, and the most scrupulous of honors, made in the honor of the Torah is beautiful, praiseworthy and holy.
After finishing the order of the completion the celebration of the procession begins, made generally with a multitude of people and great fanfare.
Carrying the Sefer Torah and bringing it to the shul is a general celebration for all to participate in for the honor of the Torah, including those which for various reasons (as accustomed among the laymen with regards to honor and the like or jealousy and sinah) who do not want to participate in the conclusion of the Sefer.
The procession even if it is done inside the shul is with a chuppah and lit candles; with song and musical instruments with great joy.
During the procession when we call up someone to hold the Torah we announce "יעמוד פלוני בן פלוני לכבוד התורה"
Emphasis should be placed to allow all Jews, men, women and especially the children, to kiss the Sefer Torah's mantle at the time the Sefer Torah is being carried to the shul. It is a segulah for health and long life.
Many bring their children still in the cradle to a position on the processional path of the Sefer Torah, to merit placing the Sefer Torah's mantle on the child's face.
There were those who, when the children would kiss the Sefer Torah, the parents would purchase a small piece of the (silk) material used for the mantle of the Sefer Torah (as a protection for the child, with pure faith in the segulah hidden and concealed in beautification of a mitzvah).
When preparing to enter the shul , the gabbai of the shul, his deputies, and the chazan , open the Aron and take out the Sifrei Torah to go out and greet the new Sefer Torah.
Before the Aron is opened, the Chazan says: "Sifrei Torah, you are requested by all; the holy community; the congregants of the shul; to trouble yourself and to go welcome the Sefer Torah and to bring in to this shul in a good and successful hour."
The minhag is for the celebrant to wear a new garment or to eat a new fruit and make the "Shehecheyanu" aloud
Announce the Pessukim of "Ato Horaysa" as on Simchas Torah (including "Av Harachamim") . There is a minhag in recent years to add afterwards the Possuk והי'ה זרעך...ופרצת: And your seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and you shall gain strength westward and eastward and northward and southward; and through you shall be blessed all the families of the earth...
After the Ata Hareisa, 7 hakofos are made with the Pessukim, and during each hakofoh we dance with the Sefer Torah with obvious joy as on Simchas Torah.
Do not remove the "Kesser" from the Sefer Torah for the dancing (for fear of it possibly falling).
After the 7 hakofos we do an 8th hakofo to distinguish from Simchas Torah. We recite שישו ושמחו בשמחת תורה during this hakafa.
After the hakafos Yehallelu is said, all the Sifrei Torah are placed in the Aron Hakodesh. The Oleinu and Kaddish are said.
At the conclusion of the Hachnasas Sefer Torah, celebrate with a festive Seudas Mitzvah.
During the festive Seudah talk words of Torah, and words of inspiration to set fixed times for study of Torah, dissemination of Torah with Yir'as Shamayim, and strengthening of those who learn Torah.
"This Mitzvah is the completion of the 613 commandments of the Torah, and there are those who make the connection with the end of the period of Golus - Excerpt of a letter of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.