Mayan Yisroel Halachic Digest 

The Nine Days 


Compiled by Rabbi Yoseph Y. Vigler

Comments welcome and appreciated -

לעילוי נשמת הרב יצחק בן הרב אליעזר צבי זאב צירקינד ז"ל


Learning about the Rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdash

Even as we have the obligation to mourn the destruction of Yerushalayim, we are granted at this time a special strength to avoid falling into despair, because we have full confidence and await daily, אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא, our return to Yerushalayim. 

The Three Weeks are an opportune time to strengthen this conviction by studying the halachos of  the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdash from  sources like Hilchos Bais habechira in the Rambam and Mishnayos Midos.

When Hashem revealed the details of the structure of the Second Beis HaMikdash to Yechezkel  hanavi, during the 70 year period of Churban after the destruction of the first Bais Hamikdash, Yechezkel replied: “Master of the Earth, why are You telling me to go and tell Israel the form of the House... They are now in exile in the land of our ene­mies. Is there anything they can do (about it)? Let them be until they return from exile. Then, I will go and inform them.”

Hashem replied: “Go, tell them to study the form of the Beis HaMik­dash. As a reward for their study and their occupation with it, I will consider it as if they actually built the Beis HaMikdash.”

Shabbos Rosh Chodesh מטות מסעי

  • Today is the Yahrzeit of Aharon Hakohen, the only Yahrzeit explicit in the Chumash, and read in the Parsha

  • משנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה - The Nine Days begin on Shabbos. But on Shabbos itself every effort must be made to avoid any appearance of public mourning, so we behave as we do every other Shabbos. 

  • Joyous Seudos Shabbos are conducted, especially emphasizing Ahavas Yisroel.

  • We wear full Shabbos clothing as always. And we eat meat and drink wine on Shabbos.

  •  If Seudah Shlishis extends into the night, past Tzeis, one may continue to eat meat according to many poskim, until one bentches and ends the Seudah or Shabbos officially

Motzei Shabbos

  • The restrictions of the Nine Days begin on Motzei Shabbos, including eating meat, drinking wine, laundering clothing etc.

  • Make havdala over wine, but have a child - old enough to know how to make brachos, but too young to understand the mourning over the churban – drink the wine. If there’s no child present, make havdala over wine and drink it yourself.

  • Although we do not wear Shabbos clothing during the Nine Days, you need not remove them right after Shabbos, since the problem is putting them on and not leaving them on if they were already on. (Generally, one should keep Shabbos clothing on every Motzei Shabbos for Melave Malka out of respect for the Shabbos Malka).

The Nine Days in General

Buying, fixing, renovating and moving

  • Buying items for pleasure is forbidden. For example you should not purchase a new computer or car for recreational purposes. This is called “masa u’matan shel simcha”, (happy business) and should be avoided. 

  • Buying a home in the Nine Days is not a good siman. 

  • Buying for urgent necessity is permitted. If you have nowhere else to live or any other compelling reason you may purchase the home.

  • If an item needs fixing, it may only be fixed if it is either (a) needed and not merely for pleasurable purposes. or (b) If you will incur loss of money if you dont fix it.

  • We do not begin any home renovations during the Nine Days. However, if you began before the Three Weeks you may continue through the Nine Days. 

  • Renovations that cannot wait e.g. to fix a leak or mould are permitted.

  • If you will incur financial loss by delaying the job e.g. if the contractor must be paid for every day delayed, you may do the job. If not, and there is no loss, delay the construction. 

  • Cosmetic renovations in a shul are permitted. 

  • Painting in  general is not allowed. 

  • It is best to delay a move to a new apartment until after Tisha B’Av and even to delay until after 15 Av. Some even delay until the end of the month of Av. If you have no choice at all you may even move in during the Nine Days.

  • Landscaping and planting new trees and shrubs for beauty is not permitted. But an existing garden may be tended to. Planting fruits and vegetables is permitted.

New clothing

  • Do not buy new clothes or furniture unless you are buying for necessity, not luxury, or there is a special sale.

  • A woman may purchase new clothing if she needs it for tznius purposes (e.g. a longer skirt)

  • If a tailor didn't finish a garment in time and it must be completed, he can finish it until the week of Tisha B’Av

  • Shoes for use on Tisha B’Av may be bought.  

  • One is who is going on a shidduch date may get a new garment if they need it


  • We do not go on pleasure trips

  • We do not give gifts, unless for a bar mitzvah or the like. 

  • Playing music for parnassa purposes is permitted during the Three Weeks, until Rosh Chodesh.

  • If you have medical reasons to play music one can be lenient until the week of Tisha B’Av (which this year is anyway on the first day of the week)

  • Hearing music in a department store, gym, or other public place, is okay.

  • Traveling to Eretz Yisroel (on non-Covid years) to visit Tzaddikim, or for business purposes, is permitted. To go to Eretz Yisroel for a mere vacation is a shaila.

  • Medical procedures should be avoid unless one has no choice

Washing and laundry 

  • Washing a specific part of the body that became unclean or if you need to wash it for medical reasons, is permitted. This would even be allowed on Tisha B’Av itself. But make the water lukewarm. 

  • Nowadays when people shower every day and sweat bothers them, we can be lenient with showering. It is best to wash in cold water, but if you must you may use warm water and even soap. Do not indulge though, in a lengthy enjoyable shower, only what is needed.

  • Swimming is not permitted. If it is for medical purposes there are heterim

  • Polishing shoes - Reb Shlomo Zalman Aurbach permitted only for Shabbos. Reb Moshe Feinstein permitted it even during the week if it is really needed.

  • Laundry is forbidden even for kids returning from camp unless they have nothing else to wear, in which case you may wash ONLY what they need for the rest of the Nine Days. 

  • Laundry is permitted if you run out of items you need daily, like socks.

  • Ironing is only permitted if you could wear the item anyway. If you cannot wear it without ironing, then you can’t iron it

  • Washing a stain on your shirt is permitted, unlike chol hamoed when it is ossur

  • You can wear clean clothing that was laundered before the Nine Days. Some say to throw the clothing on the floor for a minute so it doesn’t feel completely fresh. 

  • Some wear all the clothing they intend to wear during the Nine Days beforehand, for just a minute. 

  • If you forgot, then during the course of Shabbos, wear all the shirts you plan to wear that week, so that they have already been previously worn when you wear them later. You would need to wear them for some time on Shabbos, so it does not seem like you are preparing for the weekday but rather you are wearing it now for Shabbos. And do not specify verbally that you are wearing them in preparation for the weekdays.

  • You may wash and put on new linen and towels for a guest coming during the Nine Days

  • Cutting nails is fine, but some are stringent on the week of Tisha B’Av itself. (But this year Tisha B’Av is anyway on the first day of the week)

  • Floors may be washed

Wine and meat

  • We refrain from wine, meat and chicken

  • According to the Rama, you may eat meat at a Siyum masechta but it must be a genuine siyum that the person who learned understood what he learned, and not a siyum that was put together merely to eat meat in the Nine Days….

  • At a seudas mitzvah e.g. bris, pidyon haben, bar mitzvah on the birthday itself, eating meat is permitted.

  • You cannot go to a bar mitzvah merely to look for a heter to eat meat, but if you feel part of the simcha then you could eat meat

  • On the week of Tisha B’Av itself, only a minyan of ten men at the simcha can eat meat. (This does not apply this year since Tisha B’Av is anyway the first day of the week).

  • Theoretically, dancing and music should be permitted at a seudas mitzvah. Practically we do not do it 

  • Young children (under 2) who need meat or chicken, may eat during the Nine Days. 

  • Someone with allergies who cannot eat dairy, can eat chicken if they need to before they look for a heter to eat meat.

  • If one forgot and made a bracha on meat, one should taste a little of it, so that the bracha should not be in vain.

Fasting on Tisha B’Av

  • Usually, pills to help with fasting are permitted to be taken before the fast, but on Shabbos, pills may not be taken at all since it is Refu’ah on Shabbos.

  • Pregnant and nursing women or others who have difficulty fasting should remember to ask a shailah before the fast. 

  • Anyone who has a heter to eat should not indulge and should not eat more than they need to

May we be zoche to celebrate Tisha B'av 5781 in the Beis Hamikdash hashlishi in Yerushalayim!